Italy is part of the Group since the second half of 2016, when it purchased the Italcementi Group. Italcementi is set up in 1864 in Scanzo (Bergamo) as Società Bergamasca per la Fabbricazione del Cemento e della Calce Idraulica. In 1927, when it has already been quoted at the Milan Stock Exchange for two years, it changes its company name into Italcementi Spa

The Company becomes the leading cement manufacturer in Italy and contributes to the development of the Country taking part to the realization of many important public works like the Autostrada del Sole, the highway that connects the North and the South of Italy. At the end of the eighties it begins implementing the first initiatives to internationalise the Group, becoming one of the main global cement producers.

In 1997, Italcementi consolidates its verticalisation strategy with the acquisition of Calcestruzzi, thus becoming Italian leader in the ready-mixed concrete sector. In 2018, Italcementi acquires the Italian activities of Cementir in the cement and concrete businesses, enhancing its industrial and market leadership in the national building materials sector. 

Starting from the year 2000, important revamping works have been implemented to make the Italian industrial network more efficient and sustainable. 

Italcementi has been operating under the name Heidelberg Materials Italy since 2023.

Today the Heidelberg Materials' industrial structure in Italy consists of

  • 10 cement production plants,
  • 4 grinding centers and
  • over 120 ready mix plants.

The production sites have obtained ISO 14001 environmental certification and, in several geographical areas, the CSC certification which attests the responsible procurement process throughout the production chain, according to the basic principles of Sustainability. 

Reference projects

Bridge at night, illuminated with the colours of the Italian flag

Genoa Bridge

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Contemporary art museum featuring a unique concrete design and a plaza with a red fire hydrant.


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