Heidelberg Materials Group is a leading player on the French market of building material through its subsidiaries Heidelberg Materials France Ciments, Heidelberg Materials France Granulats, Heidelberg Materials France Bétons and Heidelberg Materials France Socli, respectively major companies in production of cement, aggregates, ready mixed concrete and lime.
The network of 300 sites has a key role particularly in the Paris region.
For decades, all operations in France have been committed to quality, environment, and energy improvements. Heidelberg Materials France Ciments was the first European cement producer to be awarded the environment certification ISO 14001. Heidelberg Materials France Ciments and Granulats have been recognized by the Ministry of Environment for their Biodiversity Management System. Both entities are now certified ISO 50001 for their Energy Management System.
To illustrate its commitments, three examples:
- Heidelberg Materials France Ciments has launched the first low carbon range in bags of 25kg, VisionAir. 4 products with a footprint down to 40% compare to a standard product
- Heidelberg Materials France Bétons is the first RMC Company in France running three mixer trucks 100% in gas. There again decreasing by 15 to 20% CO₂ emissions.
- Heidelberg Materials France Granulats, on the top of its long term and ongoing partnership with NGOs, it’s recently engaged with the CSR charter of the Quarry & Building Material Industry (UNICEM) and has yet reached the “Maturity level”. This charter is in its way to become a label recognized by the Administration.