PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk. ("Indocement") is one of Indonesia's leading producers of quality cement and specialty cement products, marketed under the brand name "Tiga Roda”. As of December 31, 2020, Indocement has five subsidiaries through direct ownership and 18 subsidiaries through indirect ownership involved in several businesses related to the production and sale of cement, ready-mixed concrete (RMC), aggregates, and trass. Our company has been Indocement’s majority shareholder since 2001.  

To date, Indocement operates three factories, which together host 13 plants with a total annual production capacity of 24.9 million tonnes of cement. Ten plants are located in Citeureup Factory, Bogor, West Java; two plants in Palimanan Factory, Cirebon, West Java; and one plant in Tarjun Factory, Kotabaru, South Kalimantan. The Citeureup Factory is now one of the largest integrated cement plant complexes in the world. To support its business and distribution network, Indocement owns nine cement terminals and 40 batching plants. 

In 2020, Indocement developed TIRO System, an information technology-based system consisting of 3 Digital Pillars, namely TR-Connect - end-to-end experience customers, TR-Produce - to optimize process quality and asset productivity, and TR-Service - change in shared service center. The utilization of these 3 Digital Pillars has proven to make Indocement achieve good performance in the midst of highly challenging circumstances.

In July 2020, Indocement inaugurated the Expert Pool Team located in Plant 14, Citeureup Factory, west Java to support production operation of all plants, starting from the initial stages of cement production, namely raw milling, pyro processing, and clicker grinding, by providing recommendations to the operators and engineers in all operating units. The remote-system operation utilizes human machine interface (HMI), radio communication, and closed-circuit television (CCTV). This is the application and implementation of Industry 4.0 technology which paves the way for remote factory-operation. 

Furthermore, in October 2020, Indocement started to operate an andesite quarry (aggregate) located in Cariu area, Bogor Regency, West Java, aim to support its business subsidiary in providing split stones, which is required by the ready-mix concrete industry, and in providing building materials as well. The production capacity installed at this quarry is 600 tons per hour.

As one of Indonesia prominent cement producers, Indocement is currently well-positioned for the years ahead. Indocement continues to expand its RMC and aggregates business, as well as looking ahead to meet the growing challenges and opportunities in the cement market.

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