Multi-Currency Sustainability Target Commercial Paper Programme
A Commercial Paper (CP) is a short-term note. The banks place the tranches of the programme to institutional and private investors. There is no obligation for the issuer to issue the tranches. The maturity of Heidelberg Materials AG tranches is between 7 and 364 days. The interest cost for CPs is lower than for comparable day to day money or short term loans, because in contrary to the committed credit lines, the banks deal only on a best effort basis.
Since the beginning of 2023, Heidelberg Materials has also been a pioneer in the field of commercial paper (CP). The CP programme is also linked to the reduction of specific CO₂ emissions per tonne of cementitious material in line with the 2026 target from the Sustainability-Linked Financing Framework. If the company is unable to reduce CO₂ emissions within the defined period and in the specified amount, a donation representing a retrospective interest step-up must be made to the non-profit organization BirdLife Europe to promote biodiversity.