As part of Heidelberg Materials Group’s workflow processes for compliance incident reporting and case management all reported incidents are classified in categories including employee relations, harassment, discrimination, corruption, conflict of interest, theft, fraud, etc.
In 2023, a total of 283 incidents were reported in our case management system and investigated under the supervision of compliance employees in the country organization or by the Group Compliance & Data Protection department.
Incidents reported via case management system
Most of the reports concerned employee relations. Other reports related to health and safety; fraud, theft or embezzlement; and corruption or conflicts of interest. Other categories of cases accounted for lower percentages of the total.
Of the 283 incidents reported, around half proved to be unfounded, while for 14%, no final result could be determined by the editorial deadline. In the case of 36% of the incidents, the investigations revealed that they were at least partially substantiated. None of the substantiated incident reports had a material impact on the consolidated financial statements.
In the case of substantiated incidents, measures were generally taken, ranging from root cause analysis, changes to policies and processes, and communication and training through to disciplinary action (such as a written warning or dismissal). In 45% of the substantiated incidents, sanctions were imposed, and for 69% of these incidents, preventive measures were implemented.
The country organizations are required to report key figures, such as the number of compliance incidents reported through the case management system that involve suspected human rights violations. Apart from incidents relating to health and occupational safety, nine incidents of discrimination were reported in relation to human rights issues, one of which is still under investigation while the others have not been confirmed, and four incidents of harassment, with three justified complaints. The investigation of the fourth case is still ongoing. There were also ten complaints about suppliers, of which two were confirmed and three are still under investigation. Of the ten cases, nine were related to possible unfair working conditions, and one concerned occupational safety.
Looking into further details for incident types of interest for sustainability ratings we received reports for 22 cases of the category corruption or bribery of which 13 turned out to be unsubstantiated. We registered seven cases of conflict of interest of which four were unsubstantiated. No reports were noticed for the categories money laundering or insider trading. The protection and security of personal data is of great importance to us. Our statistics show no cases where sensitive customer data was affected.