Shareholder structure and voting rights

According to the notifications available to the company in accordance with the German Securities Trading Law (Wertpapierhandelsgesetz), more than 25% of the voting rights in the company are attributed to Mr Ludwig Merckle via Spohn Cement Beteiligungen GmbH, Schönefeld/Germany, which he controls.  
Mr Ludwig Merckle (1 March 2024)                                      
via Spohn Cement Beteiligungen GmbH, Schönefeld/Germany
Artisan Partners Asset Management Inc., Wilmington, Delaware/USA (13 March 2025)4.83%
BlackRock, Inc., Wilmington, Delaware/USA  (24 March 2025)5.15%2)
The Capital Group Companies, Inc., Los Angeles/USA (18 February 2025)
(EuroPacific Growth Fund, Wilmington, Delaware/USA: 3.03% (30 January 2025))

1) thereof 25.64% pursuant to section 34 of the German Securities Trading Act (Wertpapierhandelsgesetz - WpHG) and 3.24% pursuant to section 38 WpHG (instruments)
2) thereof 4.97% pursuant to section 34 of the German Securities Trading Act (Wertpapierhandelsgesetz - WpHG) and 0.18% pursuant to section 38 WpHG (instruments)
In brackets: date of the voting rights notification

An analysis of the shareholder structure conducted at the end of 2023 showed that the proportion of German and British investors had risen in comparison with the previous year, while the proportion of investors from continental Europe (excluding Germany) had declined. The proportion of North American investors fell slightly, with the rise in the proportion of US investors almost offsetting the decline in the proportion of Canadian investors. 

At the end of 2023, investors from North America and Germany formed the two largest investor groups, accounting for 33.8% and 33.7% of shares issued, respectively, followed by investors from the United Kingdom and Ireland at 12.6% and continental Europe (excluding Germany) at 6.7%. Investors from other geographical regions and retail investors accounted for the remaining 13.3%. The largest shareholder and anchor shareholder is Mr Ludwig Merckle, who, according to the voting rights notifications available to the company, held 27.67% of the issued shares via Spohn Cement Beteiligungen GmbH, a company under his control, as at 31 December 2023. The free float as defined by Deutsche Börse was 71.78% at the end of 2023.

Geographical distribution of shareholders (as of Dec. 2023)