HeidelbergCement explores new technology to capture CO₂

On 12 January 2016, HeidelbergCement launched a promising project in the field of sustainable cement manufacturing  at Lixhe plant in Belgium. A cutting-edge testing facility is to be set up to comprehensively assess new technology for the capture of CO₂.

The project is taking place under the auspices of the LEILAC (Low Emissions Intensity Lime and Cement) consortium. The research consortium includes HeidelbergCement, the Australian technology company Calix and other cement and lime producers, as well as research and development institutions.

The project will run for five years. During the first three years, the project will focus on finalising the design of the demonstration plant once the necessary permits have been secured. The pilot unit will then undergo two years of extensive testing in a standard operational environment.

The project has been awarded €12 million in funding from the EU as part of Horizon 2020, an EU research and innovation programme.

For further information please read the press release of the LEILAC consortium or visit their website www.leilac.com.

About HeidelbergCement

HeidelbergCement is one of the world’s largest integrated manufacturers of building materials with leading market positions in aggregates, cement, and ready-mixed concrete as well as other downstream activities. The company employs some 45,000 people at 2,300 locations in more than 40 countries.

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Christoph Beumelburg wearing a white shirt and a blue jacket, in the background a window and an exposed concrete wall

Christoph Beumelburg

Group Spokesman, Director Group Communication & Investor Relations

Heidelberg Materials AG Berliner Straße 6
69120 Heidelberg
